Saturday, December 1, 2012

Dr Dre Beats Hit the market.

Dr Dre Beats What a great innovation and what a product. Most recent years all are used to hear songs with  normal head phones(Small Ones)
But now all changed , Dr Dre all changed big head phones produced to the market. B the Trade market. i Saw thousands of people hand it on neck, and roaming in cities.
I tested it with one of friend , what a Great Sound ,,, don don don.......... hahahhahahha

Purchase it from here links there..

Most liked Pages in Facebook-uptodate

Face book is everywhere and its  a culture. everyone is following. today i am going to give you article about what are most used Facebook like pages. Everyone like to get a like in Fb(Facebook). So I will List it down.

1.Facebook For every phone
3.Texas HoldemPoker
7.The Simpsons
9.Lady Gaga
10.Micheal Jackson

What a  Great listing. we see that if they publish 1 article , what comments and likes got.

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